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Team information

Bossmo-ytteren (w)
country country flag Norway
Last 10 matches
2024-05-09 Steinkjer 4 1 Bossmo-ytteren (w) +
Abrahamsen Tuva (6') (30') Oestvik Amanda (32') Saur Ane Troset (39') Groendal Paloma Rosa (72') Holmvik Sanne competition: Norway - Fa Cup (women) 2023/2024
Unknown (87') Unknown (88') Unknown (89') Unknown (90') competition: Norway - Fa Cup (women) 2022/2023
Team form
Matches facts, based on last 10 played matches
Number of Bossmo-ytteren (w) wins 0Number of Bossmo-ytteren (w) draws 0Number of Bossmo-ytteren (w) loses 2Average scored goals per match 0.5Average received goals per match 4Chance to score goal next match 50 %Chance to receive goal next match 100 %